"Pad See-Ew with chicken." That's my order when I go for Thai food. Every time. I don't deviate. I knew that "Pad" means stir-fried, but I had to look up "see-ew." Looks like it means "soy sauce"! That must be why I like it. Stir-fried soy sauce. Well, some other things too. When you order Pad See-Ew at a Thai restaurant, it is made ... view more
Kale and Bacon Cheesy Party Dip
If there is kale in it, it’s healthy, right? How about THIS much kale? * Crickets * Ok, I will not pretend this recipe is healthy, but I will assure you it is delicious, and is a total winner for party snacks. If there are three things people are loving on these days, they are kale, bacon, and cheese. I had a few ladies over to ... view more
French Toast S’Morelettes a/k/a Croque Mons’morelettes
When we last left our heroines, they were chowing down on Italian Quinoa Breakfast Casserole and a huge tray of Indoor S'Mores in a cabin in the woods in honor of LS's bachelorette weekend. Man, life is good sometimes. Our leading ladies, however, had a bit too much to eat and drink over the weekend and couldn't finish the billion Indoor ... view more
Indoor S’Mores for a Group
As summer comes to a close this evening, I would like to pay homage to a favorite taste of summer*: The S'More. * Also fall, and winter. And I have never turned down a Spring S'More. My cousin SFH put the idea for Indoor S'Mores for a Group in my head before her annual July 4 party this year, and it has been looming large since then. She ... view more
Italian Quinoa Breakfast Casserole
When people ask me if I could do anything instead of my job, what it would be, one of my stock answers is: "Hang out with friends in a big vacation house and make brunch and sit around and drink coffee all day." The salary on this fantasy is a bit lower than my current gig, so I reserve such activity for special occasions... ...Such ... view more
Rice Noodles with Ground Chicken, Green Beans, Crispy Shallots, and Garlic Chips
... and Cilantro, and Roasted Peanuts, and other deliciousness. I subscribe to a few food magazines, but I don't read them when they arrive. I stock them up and go through a big bunch at once, looking for submissions for my "to make" pile. Years before I started my blog - in 2010! - I had a mega-session of poring through stacks of magazines. ... view more