All images on this blog and accompanying social media sites under the username “myutensilcrock” are my intellectual property. If you would like to use one or more of my images for any purpose, please get in touch with me – I would love to chat with you about it! {My profile pictures are courtesy of Sweet Pea Portraits by Stacey; Images in the Growing Edge “round-up” posts were not taken by me.}
Likewise, all recipes and the heartwarming, witty, and/or thought-provoking commentary in the posts that come with ’em are also my intellectual property. As with all blog recipes in these crazy times in which we live, if you would like to use one of my recipes on your own blog, please credit to me by using “My Utensil Crock” in the credits with a link to
Interested in more about intellectual property associated with blogs? Learn more about all sorts of things you should know about copyright, trademarks, licensing, trademarks, and more in my eBook, Think Like a Lawyer, Blog Like a Pro: A practical guide to navigating copyrights, trademarks, and more on the web!
I used until I knew I had outgrown it and needed more space and functionality. I moved to in March 2014. I hired someone to do that for me!
I use mediatemple {mt} for hosting. Their customer service has been great!
Affiliate Links
When I love a product, I may provide a link for you to click on that will take you to some magical place where all you have to do is click a few keys (and enter your credit card number) and it will be on your doorstep in days. Things like that help me provide free content for you. Check out the links when you see them around the site. I will only provide links that I think my audience will be interested in, and I will minimize their intrusiveness as best I can!
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