We are having an exceptionally rainy spring in Washington, D.C. It may be hot, but rain always makes me crave comforting foods. I can eat warm, filling meals all the time, weather notwithstanding. I mean, it's never that hot inside, right? How did I come to add this Lentil Cilantro Soup to my repertoire? I was digging through my pantry for ... view more
Broccoli Cheese Soup {Healthy}
One more soup, before we head for spring? Despite my public affection for kale, broccoli was probably my first green veggie love. When I was young, my brother and I would split the broccoli duties: I would eat the florets, and he would take the stalk. Don't take this to mean we got along, this is just how we got through dinner. As further ... view more
Have I mentioned my nickname in law school was "the Dream Crusher"? It's true. I mean, people didn't greet me that way in the hallway or anything, but I'm unequivocally a realist. I break things down and rub off their shiny veneer, leaving - sometimes - crushed dreams. So, Vichyssoise! Vish-ee-swaz. A fancy name for a SUPER-easy soup. ... view more
Roasted Tomato Soup {Easy}
It's cold; it's time. Roasted Tomato Soup. Tomato soup, of course, needs no grand introduction - just a bunch of pictures of it, paired with grilled cheese, in all of its glory. I couldn't narrow down the pictures - they all looked so good. I hope you will forgive me. Something tells me you will. This recipe makes a thicker soup, ... view more
Green Grape Gazpacho {Healthy + Easy}
In honor of my 100th post (!), I present to you a very easy, very healthy recipe that takes, honestly, about 100 seconds to make once you have all of the ingredients ready. This Green Grape Gazpacho is a Cooking Club favorite (Hostess: SLSC; Theme: A Light Spring Menu; Date: 04.23.06), and over 8 years later, we are still enjoying it - ... view more