Just when you think meatballs are the perfect food on their own, along comes this recipe. You know those little marinated mozzarella balls that come in the enormous bucket at Costco, or a normal-sized bucket (that is tiny by comparison) at other stores? Yeah, those guys. In this recipe, these mozzarella balls are stuffed inside a ... view more
Creamy Baked Potato Soup {Healthy + Easy}
It continues to be so cold this winter. SO cold. And nothing beats the cold like warm comfort food - especially when it is healthy and easy! My friend NB wanted to cook with me one day in January and I asked her to pick the menu. "Pizza and soup?" Done. The simplest recipes turned out so well that night. I am still thinking about them! Pizza ... view more
Pomegranate Seeds
When I was younger, I was captivated by Greek mythology. Back in the day, I knew all the gods, goddesses, constellations, and tales of glory and despair. I learned that myths were invented and passed on, in part, to explain the unexplainable - and as cautionary tales. Life. Death. Creation. Thunder. Flying too close to the sun. Some myths are ... view more
Fiesta Muffins
As hard as I try to have breakfast at home before heading in to the office, I am often/usually ravenous at work by, like, 9:50 a.m. Likewise, I come home from work absolutely starving, at 6:30 or 7:00pm, and have a certain somedog to take for a half-hour walk before I can focus on dinner. I don't keep snacky foods like chips and crackers around, ... view more
Middle-Eastern Kale & Brussels Sprout Salad
We are in the holiday home stretch! Buffets and cookie exchanges will soon be in the rearview mirror - after one last gasp this week. This Middle-Eastern Kale & Brussels Sprout Salad is a great one to help get back on track - so pin, bookmark, and print away to get a head-start on healthy eating for the new year. I had never tried raw ... view more
Roasted Tomato Soup {Easy}
It's cold; it's time. Roasted Tomato Soup. Tomato soup, of course, needs no grand introduction - just a bunch of pictures of it, paired with grilled cheese, in all of its glory. I couldn't narrow down the pictures - they all looked so good. I hope you will forgive me. Something tells me you will. This recipe makes a thicker soup, ... view more