I have been hinting at a big project on the horizon, and it is finally time to make it Blog-Official.
Please welcome Think Like a Lawyer, Blog Like a Pro: A practical guide to navigating copyrights, trademarks, and more on the web! My first eBook. {insert emoji with hearts for eyes!}
I am so excited. As I was mentally drafting this post, it got to SNL City Correspondent “Stefon” proportions (“This eBook has everything!”), but I decided to dial it back, just a bit.
Here are 5 Things You Need to Know about Think Like a Lawyer.
- The eBook is about basic intellectual property rights concepts that every blogger should know, like copyright and attribution, trademark, and trade secrets. Other topics include contracts, working with an independent contractor (from both the contractor and client point of views), digital rights management, licensing, branding, and so much more.
- The underlying text was authored by my friend and former colleague, Liz Vaysman. As I explain in the intro to the eBook, I commissioned her to write for me, because I loved her interest in social media, all things chic, and … intellectual property. Liz worked in an intellectual property rights clinic when she was in law school, and was dialed in to the important concepts mentioned above, and throughout the eBook. Here’s Liz!
- I then edited the product to fit my goals and audience. The primary method I used was “thought bubbles.” Sometimes I saw text where an illustrative example would be helpful; or sometimes I saw a legal term that I wanted to break down for non-lawyers. In those places, you will see colorful text indicating that explanation is near! Like this:
- The text is easy and fun to read – I promise! I worked very hard to guarantee this. Lots of color, photos, call-out boxes for important concepts, references to Taylor Swift, and more. Pictures from My Utensil Crock? CHECK. Pictures of dogs? DOUBLE CHECK. A picture of my parents from the 70’s? You will have to read to find out. If you like the tone of My Utensil Crock (my “blogger voice”), you will not be disappointed.
- You can purchase Think Like a Lawyer HERE!
Just for my readers, for the month of February, save 25% off the purchase price with this code: TLLLAUNCH. Ok fine, you can share it with friends. Ok fine, share it with anyone.
Learn more about Think Like a Lawyer and check out a free 7-page preview on this page. The glossary is also chock full of info, and I have posted it for you on this page.
I hope you love it! Let me know in the comments.
Seriously Becky, you are amazing and truly a wealth of knowledge (now benefitting the masses!) And great 70s photo teaser… is your dad sporting an unruly mustache… is your mom in a bold print with a butterfly collar… these questions must be answered!
Ha! Thanks Page!
Wow! What a great resource. This is going to blow up Pinterest!
Thanks so much Megan! I agree – and the Glossary pages from my book that I posted on the below page look great on Pinterest! http://www.myutensilcrock.com/legal-terms-bloggers-should-know/