If “quasi-goulash” were a thing, you would be reading a post about it now. But it is not; I just made that up. So instead, you are reading a post about a dish that started as a cross between marinara and Bolognese sauce. Call it what you will – I call it “delicious” (well, I call it “meat sauce”), and cannot make it too frequently, or else it ... view more
pasta (and "pasta")
How to: Make Spaghetti Squash
I will start this post by stating outright that I love my pasta, and I am not going to pretend that spaghetti squash is a flawless substitute for noodles. It is, however, healthier. I am no health expert, but I can perform a mean internet search of "spaghetti squash," which leads to all sorts of calorie and nutrition factoids. While there are ... view more